Life is a maze in which we take the wrong turn before we have learned to walk.

The countdown to the beginning of the game has begun, and everyone goes to his site, and then..!

There was silence in the place…

Everyone thinks of his fate as you stand on the edge of the beginning, contemplating the road ahead, and as your eyes extend forward, you see many roads and paths, some of them bright as sunlight and the other dark as night.

And the more you look around you, you see that everyone is ready to start, for each of us has his own maze in which he searches for himself, his dreams, and ambitions, and in the end, some reach their destination and others remain stuck inside it…

You will determine your destiny!

To participate in the Mind Utopia project in its sixth edition, register your details on the following link:

Mind utpoia | opening ceremony | the maze
Mind Utopia 2019 | The Maze | SMU | Introduction

Now we are about to start a new adventure of utopia, are you ready to join?

First, let’s explore the 3 project phases:

▪️ The first stage: is the cornerstone, which provides you with all the required information and skills, through lectures and workshops.

▪️ The second stage: the participants are divided into different teams so that each participant can present a specific topic within the framework of science communication.

▪️ The third stage: It is based on teamwork development and changes according to the goals of each season of Mind Utopia.

⚠️ The maze does not have a specific way out of it, you can exit from any way you specify, the important thing is that this is the most appropriate way for you.

#OpeningCeremony | #MindUtopia19 | #SMU.

Mind UtopiaMind Utopia 2019 | The Maze | SMU | Phase 1 | The Maze | SMU | Phase 1

Desire is the starting point of every great achievement.
– Napoleon Hill

Where our participant stands in front of the maze, ready to launch the adventure, not knowing where to start and which way he will take.

Now, the first phase of the project begins from which he acquires the skills of communication, discussion, and research.

The first stage may be the most important because it is the turning point in the journey of each contestant.

Are you ready to start it?

#OpeningCeremony | #MindUtopia19 | #SMU.

Mind Utopia 2019 | The Maze | SMU | Phase 2

You have to learn the rules of the game first, and then you have to learn how to play better than the others.”
– Albert Einstein

Now our contestant has reached the second stage of the labyrinth, which is based on science communication. 🏃‍♂️

▪️ How many times did you understand but are unable to express?

▪️ How many times have you felt that you are unable to communicate your idea to people?

▪️ How many times have you felt that your mind is like a maze with a lot of information scattered all over the place?

If you’ve had a similar experience in the past, then be prepared to skip it all by participating in Mind Utopia this year!

#OpeningCeremony | #MindUtopia19 | #SMU.

Mind Utopia | Opening Ceremony

Now is the decisive moment..

Everyone is ready in his position and looks at the starting signal, some feel joy and some feel fear and some have feelings mixed with the two together, but everyone is gathered on the same goal…

Which is to reach the end of that maze! And as the badge rises to the top, the adventurers’ enthusiasm rises, as this is the starting moment that will take them to their own world..

A world that only they know, new ways and mysteries they will discover, ways they think they know and others they will see for the first time.

Mind Utopia project welcomes you in its sixth edition at its opening ceremony next Thursday, 1/8/2018 at 10:30 am at the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.

⚠️ Attend in formal suit

#OpeningCeremony | #MindUtopia19 | #SMU.

mind utpoia closing ceremony