Many of us have heard of Data and Databases, but what are they actually?
First the #Data: The data could be very many things, it could be words that express certain facts such as your name, age, address, height, weight..or it could be a picture or design. or word files, pdf, etc…
And because the data is very random and located in very many places, this takes us to the second point…
The #Database: It is the system that collects all the existing data in an organized manner and has a relationship with each other so that it is easy to manage it efficiently and effectively.
As long as we talked about management, it takes us to the third point, which is the database management system…
or the so-called #DBMS: This is a system consisting of a set of programs that control the Database itself!! I mean, for example, you can allow some users to access the Database, others are don’t, and so on.
This was a very simplified overview of the data in its various aspects…
If you have any questions about controlling the database in your company or about our services in the field of IT, send us on the page and we will communicate immediately ♥

continuing the #data topic, share your opinion with us…
What do you think the advantages of data that makes some people pay millions just to get it?! 🤔
All opinions will be reviewed and commented on.

Now is the crucial moment to review comments on our last question regarding “Data”.
And we have the first comment from our friend / Kemo Ahmed: A strategic and comprehensive viewpoint as well as a perspective on the importance of data…
meaning if from Marketer’s point of view, then data will really be very important that he targets his market accurately..’
If HR considers data to be a very important source through which he can analyze the reasons for the turnover and help him respond in the process of recruit new employees, if we look from the accountant’s point of view and that it will help him in making the financial statements, and so on..
NICE KIMO! and may God help you in your exams 😊 ❤️
Another point of view with us from / Ahmed Attya:
His point of view is that our purpose of the question is that we collect data!!
Any successful company must have many ways to help it obtain data about its customers so that it recognizes its strengths and weaknesses and thus develops from its services, and this has many ways.
But anyway, our real goal with questions is that we create a space for interaction between Makan’s friends and discuss and present different opinions so that it helps us all see the whole picture better.
Whatever data is is very important for any company, whatever its field and the millions that you pay for it will not go to the ground because investing in data and helps you taking appropriate decisions at the right time which generates real profits.
Thank you for your reactions ❤️
“Data is the new oil.” — Clive Humby